Polish coal

Wholesale of Polish coal

For years, KRISMO has been running efficient wholesale of Polish coal, supplied in all possible assortments, i.e. cube, nut, pea, eco-pea, and dust.

Our expertise helps in the reliable execution of orders and consultancy in the right choice of fuel type.

Our clients are industrial plants, district heating plants, schools, coal stores and individual recipients. With several years of experience in industry, we also serve recipients in public procurement orders.

We distribute Polish coal produced by companies such as: Polska Grupa Górnicza Sp. z o.o., Przedsiębiorstwo Górnicze SILESIA Sp. z o.o. and TAURON Wydobycie S.A. We organize railway loading/unloading along with transport, products can be purchased by KRISMO or by clients.

Polska Grupa Górnicza comprises the following mines:

  • KWK Sośnica - 44-100 Gliwice, ul.Błonie 6 tel: +48 32 7178000 (available: nut, pea, dust 23, dust 19)
  • KWK Bielszowice - 41-711 Ruda Śląska, ul.Halembska 160 tel: +48 32 7173000 (available: nut, pea, mud)
  • KWK Halemba-Wirek - 41-706 Ruda Śląska, ul.Kłodnicka 54 tel. +48 327183000 (available: nut, pea, mud)
  • KWK Pokój - 41-710 Ruda Śląska, ul.Niedurnego 13 tel: +48 32 7184777 (available: nut, dust)
  • KWK Bolesław Śmiały - 43-173 Łaziska Górne, ul.Pstrowskiego 12 tel: +48 32 7175111 (no offer)
  • KWK Piast RI - 43-155 Bieruń, ul.Granitowa 16 tel: +48 32 7177000 (available: mud, dust, eco-dust Rokita, eco-pea Retopal, nut, cube)
  • KWK Piast RII - 43-225 Wola, ul.Kopalniana 10 (available: mud, dust, eco-dust Rokita, eco-pea Retopal, nut, cube)
  • KWK Ziemowit - 43-143 Lędziny, ul.Pokoju 4 tel: +48 32 7160000 (available: dust, pea 5-25, nut, cube)
  • KWK Chwałowice - 44-206 Rybnik, ul.1 Maja 26 tel: +48 32 7393113 (available: dust, pea, nut, pea 5-25)
  • KWK Jankowice - 44-253 Rybnik, ul.Jastrzębska 12 tel: +48 32 7392113 (available: dust, flotation concentrate, pea, pea 5-25, nut, nut I, cube)
  • KWK Marcel - 44-310 Radlin, ul.Korfantego 52 tel. +48 32 7292113 (available: dust, flotation concentrate, pea, nut)
  • KWK Rydułtowy-Anna - 44-280 Rydułtowy, ul.Leona 2 tel: +48 32 7294113 (available: mud, dust, nut, pea)

Tauron Wydobycie consists of two mines:

  • ZG Sobieski - 43-600 Jaworzno, ul.Sulińskiego 2, tel. +48 32 618-50-00 (available: chunky I, nut I, nut II, pea, eco-pea Jaret, dust)
  • ZG Janina - 32-590 Libiąż, ul.Górnicza 23, tel. +48 32 627-00-00 (available: chunky I, nut, pea, eco-pea Jaret, dust)

The P.G. SILESIA is one mine:

P.G SILESIA Sp. z o.o. - 43-502 Czechowice-Dziedzice, ul. Górnicza 60, tel. +48 32 215 24 51